A lot of visitors complain that they"re not well informed about the place they"re visiting. People, unfortunatelly, see during their holidays a lot of interesting places, builidings and monuments, but they usually don"t know much about them. Storytours.eu understands this problem. Our enterprise does everything to meet clients" expectations and offers them the possibility to spend the best Stockholm tour in their life! We walk from one street of the city to another and we learn about the most interesting events connected with the specific places. Each trip is conducted by a licenced guide who fluently speaks German or English. It is also a possibility to visit Royal Palace and Vasa Museum. Each trip lasts from about an hour to even a half day. We guarantee that the knowledge derived from personal experience is far more attractive than from even the best written book. Don"t hesitate, just book the trip on the internet and enjoy spending the best Stockholm tour - in the city with the beautiful history.
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